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Welcome to DotBM

DotBM is a full service website design, hosting and management service. We pride ourselves with guiding you through the process of creating your own domain and establishing a web presence that compliments your content and your needs.
Professional Video
We offer professional Video services to enhance your site.

Web Building Tools and Utilities
We offer a comprehensive array of Web Building Tools and Utilities.

Add web site analytics and reporting tools to analyze user visit and usage patterns to gain a clear understanding of your Web site's traffic and performance.

Let us build your online storefront Professional E-commerce website with online cart and other shopping tools. Accept credit card payments with real-time payment gateway (merchant account required). Accept payments with PayPal® Express & Google® Checkout.

Website Management
Our 24/7 website management service is always available to support and update your website.
Streaming Media
We offer streaming media in Quicktime, Real and Windows Media formats.

Web 2.0 Applications
Enhance your site with an online community using guestbooks, message boards, blogs and user opinion polls.

Web-based Email
Have your own web-based email account with email addresses for all your employees and coorporate departments.

bmelchionda@gmail.com Website Created and Maintained by DotBM.com - (Bob Melchionda) Telephone: 718.644.0074